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Showing posts from October, 2022

nuke hotkey and silhouette

  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ note on silhouette paint 1=original 2=output =============================--------------------------------------------====== shift to take the source -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctrl and drag to increase the brush size ====================---------------------------------------------------------========= make sure Alph on in brush setting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- increase the size of the setting  session- session setting-change the w and h so we can paint out area too ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ we can add extra node to paint on the extended area 1.node graph- composite- composite ( connect it to t...

with young trainee artist at past........ now they are master in their specialisation and with staff of film studio

  prem,mahesh a at chaumahal ,hyderabd with cg trix 14th may 2012  NIST ,BERHAMPUR,ODISHA 8.RVML STUDIO visit with student of MAAC,HYD 4TH Feb 2011 blue pixcel artist at hyderbad WITH  nilesh   back pruthivi ADOBE CS5 LUNCH AT HYD nd Mr.Tapan   15-04-2010 SEKHAR  TAPAN Mr.Tapan and Sandeep at 2009 International Animation Day ,Satysai Nigamam ,Hyderabad with staff at Think smart film studio ,hyderbad Subaya Mutheyala garu ,Mr.TApan and  VAMSIJI with Dir  Nikhil Kunta The director of The hyderbad movie The Angrez